Nadir Metal Refinery is a member of Shanghai Gold Exchange (Shanghai Gold Exchange International Board- SGEI)!

After the visititation to Shanghai Gold Exchange as their guest that was made within the aspect of company’s global growth strategy, Nadir Metal Rafineri applied for a membership and shortly after was accepted as an international member of the Shanghai Gold Exchange.

Achieving one of its global goals, Nadir Metal Rafineri continues to expand its international impact.

Turkey’s gold refinery Nadir Metal Rafineri which is accredited to LBMA (London Bullion Market Associato), the BIST (Exchange Istanbul), DMCC (Dubai Multi Commodities Center) and SBMAs (Singapore Bullion Market Association) has achieved a very important success both for itself and for its country as being one of the international members of the Shanghai Gold Exchange,which is now one of the largest gold market in the world and has over 70 members.