Nadir Metal Rafineri at “OECD – Responsible Gold Sourcing Training” organized by the Istanbul Mineral and Metals Exporters’ Association
Nadir Metal Refinery has participated to the training organized by the Istanbul minerals and metals exporters association with the headline ‘How Will Gold Trade Change?’ on August 29, 2019. Our International Projects Director Behnar Karasen and our Legal Director, Att. Aycan Karagöz has been speakers at the training and gave information about the change of regulations and compliance issues, due diligence practices and how it effects gold trade.
There are changes in the gold supply chain, trade and international rules have been placed worldwide. In very near futures it will be compulsory for gold trading companies or even jewelers to meet certain requirements, conditions. Nadir Metal Refinery, International Projects Director Behnar Karaşen, who participated in the training gave information how companies should prepare for this change, what needs to be done in terms of compliance, importance of the ‘Know Your Customer Process’ and Nadir Metal’s practices in this contexts. Our Legal Director Att. Aycan Karagöz gave information about National and International Rules & Regulations, Compliance Practices in Gold Trade and their effects on the jeweler sector ”. Borsa Istanbul Precious Metals and Diamond Markets Operation Director Hakan Aytekin has also shared information about “Responsible Gold Trade Practices in the World and Turkey”.